2014.9-2017.7 西北农林科技大学水土保持研究所 水土保持与荒漠化防治 博士
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2019.9-2023.7 中国地质调查局西安地质调查中心 助理研究员
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Rui Yan; Xiaoping Zhang; Shengjun Yan; Hao Chen ; Estimating soil erosion
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Rui Yan; Xiaoping Zhang; Shengjun Yan; Jianjun Zhang; Hao Chen ; Spatial
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Shengjun Yan;Tao Sun;Rui Yan;Xiaoling Wang;Guoxiang Liao;Wei Lei. Shelter Capacity of Artificial Reefs for Sea Cucumber Apostichopus japonicas Is Influenced by Water Flow and Food Resources in Laboratory Experiments. J. Mar. Sci. Eng. 2024, 12, 993. https://doi.org/10.3390/jmse12060993.
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