











个人简介Personal Profile


学习经历Learning Experiences

2009.09-2013.06 吉林大学 勘查技术与工程(勘察技术)       本科        工学学士

2013.09-2016.06 中国科学技术大学 环境科学与工程        硕士研究生   工学硕士

                            中国极地研究中心 极地冰川学研究室     联合培养

2016.09-2020.06 同济大学 海洋科学                                 博士研究生   理学博士

                            中国极地研究中心 极地冰川学研究室     联合培养

工作经历Work Experiences

2020.06-2023.12   中国科学技术大学 地球和空间科学学院 博士后

2024.01-至今     大连海洋大学  海洋科技与环境学院 讲师

论文专著Thesis Monographs

[1]Ma, T., Jiang, Z., Ding, M., He, P., Li, Y., Zhang, W., Geng, L. A model framework on atmosphere-snow water vapor exchange and the associated isotope effects at Dome Argus, Antarcticapart I the diurnal changes, The Cryosphere, 2024.

[2]Ma, T., Li, L., Li, Y., An, C., Yu, J., Ma, H., Jiang, S., Shi, G. Stable isotopic composition in snowpack along the traverse from a coastal location to Dome A (East Antarctica): Results from observations and numerical modeling, Polar Science, 2020, 23. doi:10.1016/j.polar.2020.100510.

[3]Ma, T., Shi, G., Li, Y., et al. Estimation of seasonal δ18O-T slope using minimal forward model and spectral analysis for snow pits data at Dome A, Antarctica. Water, 2020. doi:10.3390/w12061707.

[4]Ma, Tianming, Ma, Tianxiao.  Impact of modified SWAT plant growth module on modeling green and blue water resources in subtropics, JUSTC, 2024, 54(5): 0503. doi: 10.52396/JUSTC-2023-0023.

[5]马天鸣,谢周清,李院生极地冰芯电学性质及导电测量技术研究进展[J]. 地球科学进展, 2016, 031(2):161-170.

[6]马天鸣,谢周清,李院生,安春雷史贵涛于金海马红梅姜苏 .南极中山站-dome a断面表层雪稳定同位素空间分布及环境影响因素分析[J]. 极地研究, 2017(2).

[7]Pengyi Zhang, Pengchao Zhang, Zhouyuan Li, Tianming Ma, Tianxiao Ma. Widespread mismatch between satellite observed vegetation greenness and temperature isolines during 2000–2020 in China, Ecological Indicators, 2023, 147, 110018. doi:10.1016/j.ecolind.2023.110018.

[8]Lu, S., Zhang, N., Wang, D., Shi, G., Ma, T., Ma, H., An, C., Li, Y. Spatial Variations of Fabric and Microstructure of Blue Ice Cores at the Shear Margin of Dalk Glacier, Antarctica. Water, 2023; 15(4):728. doi: 10.3390/w15040728.

[9]Zhou, T., Jiang, Z., Zhou, J., Zhao, W., Wu, Y., Yu, H., Li, W., Zhang, Z., Su, G., Ma, T., Geng, L. Fast and Efficient Atmospheric NO2 Collection for Isotopic Analysis by a 3D-Printed Denuder System. Analytical Chemistry, 2022, 94(38):13215-13222. doi: 10.1021/acs.analchem.2c02839.

[10]Guangming Su, Qichao Yang, Yourong Tian, Tianming Ma, Lei Geng. Preparation and characterization of new sulfate reference materials for Δ17O analysis. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry, 2022, 37(5). doi: 10.1039/D2JA00022A.

[11]Guitao Shi, Hongmei Ma, Zhuoyi Zhu, Zhengyi Hu, Zhenlou Chen, Su Jiang, Chunlei An, Jinhai Yu, Tianming Ma, Yuansheng Li, Bo Sun, Meredith G. Hastings, Using stable isotopes to distinguish atmospheric nitrate production and its contribution to the surface ocean across hemispheres, Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2021,564, 116914. doi: 10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116914.

[12]An, C., Hou, S., Jiang, S., Li, Y., Ma, T., Curran, M. A. J., et al. The long-term cooling trend in East Antarctic Plateau over the past 2000 years is only robust between 550 and 1550 CE. Geophysical Research Letters, 2021, 48, e2021GL092923. doi: 10.1029/2021GL092923.

[13]Hu, Z., Shi, G., Talalay, P., Li, Y., Fan, X., An, C., Zhang, N., Li, C., Liu, K., Yu, J., Yang, C., Li, B., Liu, B., Ma, T. Deep ice-core drilling to 800 m at Dome A in EastAntarctica. Annals of Glaciology, 2021, 62(85-86):1-12. doi: 10.1017/aog.2021.2.

[14] Guitao Shi, Hongmei Ma, Zhengyi Hu, Zhenlou Chen, Chunlei An, Su Jiang, Yuansheng Li, Tianming Ma, Jinhai Yu, Danhe Wang, Siyu Lu, Bo Sun, Meredith G. Hastings. Brief communication: Spatial and temporal variations in surface snow chemistry along a traverse from coastal East Antarctica to the ice sheet summit (Dome A). The Cryosphere, 2021, 15, 1087-1095. doi: 10.5194/tc-15-1087-2021.

[15]Shi, G., Chai, J., Zhu, Z., Hu, Z.,Chen, Z., Yu, J., Ma, T., Ma, H., An, C., Jiang, S., Tang, X., M. G. Hastings. Isotopefractionation of nitrate during volatilization in snow: A field investigation in Antarctica. Geophysical Research Letters, 2019, 46, 3287–3297. doi: 10.1029/2019GL081968.

[16]Guitao Shi, Meredith G. Hastings, Jinhai Yu, Tianming Ma, Zhengyi Hu, Chunlei An, Chuanjin Li, Hongmei Ma, Su Jiang, Yuansheng Li.  Nitrate deposition and preservation in the snowpack along a traverse from coast to the ice sheet summit (Dome A) in East Antarctica. The Cryosphere, 2018, 12, 1177-1194. doi: 10.5194/tc-12-1177-2018.

[17]G. Shi, A.M. Buffen, H. Ma, Z. Hu, B. Sun, C. Li, J. Yu, T. Ma, C. An, S. Jiang, Y. Li, M.G. Hastings. Distinguishing summertime atmospheric production of nitrate across the East Antarctic Ice Sheet. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 2018, 231(13): 1-14. doi: 10.1016/j.gca.2018.03.025.

指导研究生情况Mentoring graduate students
项目信息Project Information

[1]国家自然科学基金青年项目(Grant No. 42206242):极地雪-气界面水汽交换过程及其同位素分馏效应研究,2023.01-2025.1230万元, 主持,进行中

[2]安徽省自然科学基金青年项目(Grant No. 2108085QD158):极地雪-气界面水汽交换过程及其同位素效应研究,2021.01-2022.1210万元,主持,已完结

[3] 2020冰冻圈科学国家重点实验室开放基金(Grant No. SKLCS-OP-2020-06):极地雪冰沉积后氢氧稳定同位素变化特征和分馏机制研究,2021.01-2022.128万元,主持,已完结

[4] 中国科学技术大学青年创新基金(Grant No. WK2080000161):极地雪-气界面水汽交换过程和其同位素效应研究,2021.01-2022.127万元,主持,已完结

[5] 广东省环境资源利用与保护重点实验室开放基金(Grant No. KLEPRU-202112):氮氧同位素示踪合肥大气复合污染背景下颗粒物硝酸根来源及转化机制,2021.01-2022.125万元,主持,已完结

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