2007年9月博士毕业于大连理工大学港口海岸、近海工程国家重点实验室,2007.9 - 2008.10 在香港理工大学从事博士后研究,2008.10-2010.10在美国密西西比大学国家水科学计算研究中心从事博士后研究工作。主要从事湿地环境演化与湿地修复、海洋灾害预报、近岸海域潮流、波浪、泥沙及湿地植被交互作用的研究,在科学出版社出版专著一部《近海及河流环境水动力数值模拟方法与应用》(大连市学术专著出版基金资助),在《SCIENCE CHINA Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy》、《SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences》、《Applied Mathematic Modelling》、《Environmental Fluid Mechanics》、《Applied Ocean Research》、《Computers & Fluids》、《Journal of Hydro-environment Research》、《Acta Oceanologica Sinica》、《Journal of Coastal Research》、《China Ocean Engineering》、《Journal of Hydrodynamics》等杂志发表相关的学术论文100余篇,其中SCI收录40篇,EI收录30余篇。主持和参加科研项目20余项,获辽宁省高等学校杰出人才成长计划人选、大连海洋大学湛蓝学者人选,是多个国际杂志审稿人,是Journal of Hydrodynamics(SCI)、水动力学研究与进展杂志编委,中国海洋湖沼学会理事,中国海洋工程咨询协会-海洋生态环境监测分会理事,辽宁省海洋学会常务理事、大连市海洋学会等理事、湿地专业委员会委员。
20007.9-2010.10 | 香港理工大学,美国密西西比大学 | 博士后 |
2010.10- | 大连海洋大学 | 教授 |
序号 | 论文、专著名称 | 学术期刊或出版社名称 | 发表(出版)年份 | 论文检索情况 | 作(著)者名次 |
1 | Numerical investigation of solitary wave attenuation and mitigation caused by vegetation using OpenFOAM | Coastal Engineering Journal | 2023 | SCI | 通讯作者 |
2 | A numerical study of hydrodynamic characteristics and hydrological processes in the coastal wetlands during extreme events | Journal of Hydrodynamics | 2023 | SCI | 1 |
3 | Field survey and analysis of water flux and salinity gradients considering the effects of sea ice coverage and rubber dam: a case study of the Liao River Estuary, China | Front. Mar. Sci. | 2023 | SCI | 通讯作者 |
4 | Landscape pattern changes and its drivers inferred from salt marsh plant variations in the coastal wetlands of the Liao River Estuary, China | Ecological Indicators | 2022 | SCI | 通讯作者 |
Modeling hydrodynamic and hydrological processes in tidal wetlands | Wetlands | 2022 | SCI | 通讯作者 | |
Modeling the impact of culture facilities on hydrodynamic and solute transport in marine aquaculture waters of the North Yellow Sea | Water Science and Engineering | 2022 | SCI | 通讯作者 | |
The impacts of runoff decrease and shoreline change on the salinity distribution in the wetlands of Liao River estuary, China | Ocean Science | 2021 | SCI | 1通讯作者 | |
2 | Numerical Analysis of the Potential Effect of Wetlands on Reducing Tidal Currents in the Liao River Estuary, China | Environmental Modeling & Assessment | 2021 | SCI | 1通讯作者 |
3 | Numerical Investigation on Coastal Inundation of Storm Surges in Estuarine Wetland Waters | Journal of Coastal Research | 2020 | SCI | 2通讯作者 |
4 | Numerical investigation on tsunami wave mitigation on forest sloping beach | Acta Oceanologica Sinica | 2020 | SCI | 1通讯作者 |
5 | Numerical study of tsunami wave run-up and land inundation on coastal vegetated beaches | Computer & Goesciences | 2019 | SCI | 2通讯作者 |
6 | Numerically investigating the effects of aquatic plants on wind-induced currents in Lake Taihu in China | Journal of Hydrodynamics | 2019 | SCI | 2通讯作者 |
7 | Numerical study of hydrodynamic and salinity transport processes in the Pink Beach wetlands of the Liao River estuary, China | Ocean Science | 2018 | SCI | 2通讯作者 |
8 | Numerical Study of Hydrodynamic and Solute Transport with Discontinuous Flows in Coastal Water | Environ Model Assess | 2018 | SCI | 1 |
9 | Evolution of wave and tide over vegetation region in nearshore waters | Ocean Dynamic | 2017 | SCI | 1 |
10 | Numerical simulation of solitary wave propagation in a vegetated channel using an extended boussinesq model | Journal of Marine Science and Technology | 2017 | SCI | 1 |
11 | Numerical study of wave–current–vegetation interaction in coastal waters | Environmental Fluid Mechanics | 2016 | SCI | 1 |
12 | 近海及河流环境水动力数值模拟方法与应用 | 科学出版社 | 2015 | 1 | |
13 | Numerical simulation of flow and bed morphology for dam break floods with vegetated effect | Journal of hydrodynamics | 2016 | SCI | 1 |
14 | Integrating 1D and 2D hydrodynamic, sediment transport model for dam-break flow using finite volume method | Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy | 2014 | SCI | 1 |
15 | Depth-averaged modeling of free surface flows in open channels with emerged and submerged vegetation | Applied Mathematical Modelling | 2013 | SCI | 1 |
16 | Numerical simulation of solitary and random wave propagation | Acta Oceanol. Sin. | 2013 | SCI | 1 |
17 | Aalysis of vegetation effect on waves using a vertical 2-d RANS model | Journal of Coastal Research | 2013 | SCI | 2 |
18 | Coupling of wave and current numerical model with unstructured quadtree grid for nearshore coastal waters | Sci China Tech Sci | 2012 | SCI | 1 |
19 | A two dimensional hydrodynamic and sediment transport model for dam break based on finite volume method with quadtree grid | Applied Ocean Research | 2011 | SCI | 1 |
20 | An Implicit 2-D Shallow Water Flow Model on Unstructured Quadtree Rectangular Mesh | Journal of Coastal Research | 2011 | SCI | 3 |
21 | A 3D non-linear k–ε turbulent model for prediction of flow and mass transport in open channel with vegetation | Applied Mathematic Modelling | 2010 | SCI | 1 |
22 | Numerical modeling of shallow water flow around arrays of emerged cylinders | Journal of Hydro-environment Research | 2010 | SCI | 2 |
23 | 3D modelling of hydrodynamics and mixing in a vegetation field under waves | Computers & Fluids | 2010 | SCI | 2 |
在读人数 21 | 已毕业人数 20 | ||
所指导研究生在读期间取得的成绩和荣誉、就业去向等情况介绍 | |||
获国家奖学金7人,7人获校优秀硕士论文,攻读博士学位学生5人(中山大学3人,大连理工大学2人、东南大学1人)。 |
序号 | 项目名称 | 项目来源 | 起止年月 | 经费 | 主持/参加 | 完成情况 |
1 | 辽河干流—近海河口生态环境演变机制与功能提升综合调控 | 国家自然科学基金联合基金重点支持项目 | 2022-2025 | 60 | 主持 | 在研 |
2 | 辽河口滨海湿地盐地碱蓬植被生境解析及生态修复技术研究与示范 | 辽宁省应用基础研究计划项目 | 2023-2025 | 30 | 主持 | 在研 |
3 | 植被作用下河口湿地海域水动力特性及泥沙输运机制研究 | 国家自然科学基金 | 2019-2022 | 60 | 主持 | 结题 |
4 | 辽东湾污染防治与生态环境修复关键技术研究 | 科技部 | 2019-2021 | 98 | 主持 | 在研 |
5 | 盘锦市蓝色海湾整治行动近岸构筑物清理与清淤疏浚整治工程修复区域生境论证 | 横向 | 2020-2022 | 50 | 主持 | 在研 |
6 | 红海滩湿地退化修复项目 | 横向 | 2017-2019 | 100 | 主持 | 结题 |
7 | 辽河口潮滩湿地景观格局演变对水文过程的响应机制研究 | 海岸和近海工程国家重点实验室开放基金项目 | 2020-2022 | 4 | 主持 | 在研 |
8 | 盘锦红海滩湿地植被格局变化及影响因素研究 | 辽宁省产业研究院项目,企业委托 | 2018-2020 | 22 | 主持 | 结题 |
9 | 盘锦蓝色海湾-海洋生态环境监测能力建设工程(二标段) | 横向 | 2017-2019 | 40 | 主持 | 结题 |
10 | 渤海及北黄海海域风暴潮数学模型(风、浪、流)构建与运行 | 横向 | 2020-2020 | 10 | 主持 | 结题 |
11 | 地表二维水动力学洪水模型研发测试 | 横向 | 2020-2020 | 10 | 主持 | 结题 |
12 | 相关河流、湖泊、河口、湿地等环境评价项目若干 | 横向 | 结题 | |||
13 | 三峡库区水动力高精度建模研究 | 横向 | 2021-2023 | 20 | 主持 | 结题 |
14 | 尼尔基水库模型数字孪生水动力模型构建 | 横向 | 2023-2024 | 10 | 主持 | 在研 |
15 | 滨海湿地退化机制研究 | 横向 | 2023-2024 | 18 | 主持 | 在研 |
序号 | 专利名称 | 授权专利号 | 年份 | 专利类别 | 本人排名 |
1 | 一种河口潮滩盐地碱蓬种子定植方法 | ZL202111312312.2 | 2021 | 发明 |