2018-2024 兰州大学,大气科学学院,大气物理学与大气环境,博士
2014-2018 兰州大学,大气科学学院,大气科学,学士
2024.07-今 大连海洋大学
1. He X, Luo J, Xu X, et al., 2021. The QBO Modulation on CO Distribution in the UTLS Over the Asian Monsoon Region During Boreal Summer[J]. Frontiers in Earth Science, 9: 625990.
2. Zhang R, Tian W, He X, et al., 2021. Enhanced influence of ENSO on winter precipitation over southern China in recent decades[J]. Journal of Climate: 1-36.
3. Xu X, Tian H, Qie K, He X, et al., 2021. A Study on the Trend of the Upper Tropospheric Water Vapor over the Tibetan Plateau in Summer[J]. Asia-Pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, 57(2): 277-288.
4. 杨景怡, 田文寿, 雒佳丽, 段佳康, 何昕, 等,2024.利用探空观测评估北半球卫星及再分析对流层氧数据[J]. 高原气象.