






个人简介Personal Profile


学习经历Learning Experiences

 2008.09-2012.07   大连海洋大学, 水产养殖学,学士

 2019.09-2024.03   大连理工大学,  化学工程,   博士


工作经历Work Experiences

2012.07-2015.07  獐子岛集团股份有限公司,海洋生物技术研发中心,研发工程师

2015.12-2019.08  国家海洋环境监测中心,海洋生态室,助理实验员

2024.04-至今  大连海洋大学,海洋科技与环境学院, 讲师

论文专著Thesis Monographs

[1] Changbao Gong, Bo Chen, Yifei Xing, Huimin Zhao. Metal-Pyrimidine nanocubes immobilized enzyme with pH-switchable multienzyme-like activity for broad-pH-responsive sensing. Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2024, 463, 132849. (中科院一区,TOP,IF=13.6)

[2] Changbao Gong, Denghao Wang, Huimin Zhao. Biomimetic metal-pyrimidine nanoflowers: enzyme immobilization platforms with boosted activity. Small, 2023, 19, 2304077. (中科院一区,TOP,IF=13.3).

[3] Changbao Gong, Yaofang Fan, Huimin Zhao. Recent advances and perspectives of enzyme-based optical biosensing for organophosphorus pesticides detection. Talanta, 2022, 240: 123145. (中科院一区,TOP,IF=6.1)

[4] Nahong Chen, Changbao Gong, Huimin Zhao. Dual-channel fluorescence detection of antibiotic resistance genes based on DNA-templated silver nanoclusters. Science of the Total Environment, 2023, 882: 163559 (中科院一区,TOP,IF=9.8) 

[5] Denghao Wang, Changbao Gong, Huimin Zhao. Highly sensitive colorimetric detection of Cr (VI) in water through nanoconfinement effect of CTAB-MoS2/rGO nano-enzyme. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2023, 11(3): 109802 (IF=7.7) 

[6] Denghao Wang, Changbao Gong, Huimin Zhao. AuNPs@NC@MnO2 with exceptional nano-enzyme activity for sensitive colorimetric detection of Cr (VI). Microchemical Journal, 2022, 181: 107706. (IF=4.8)

[7] Boming Fu, Yifei Xing, Changbao Gong, Huimin Zhao. Sensitive detection of quorum signaling molecules (N-acyl homoserine lactones) in activated sludge based on surface molecularly imprinted polymers on CQDs@MIL-101. Environmental Science Water Research & Technology, 2022, 8(6), 1211-1222. (IF=5.0) 

[8] Yao Shi, Yifei Xing, Changbao Gong, Huimin Zhao*. In-situ encapsulation of laccase in mesoporous amorphous ZIF-8 for Reactive Blue 19 removal. Water Environmental Research, 2023, 95(5): e10879 (IF=3.1)

[9] 宫长宝,冯志全,王丽,梁玉波,獐子岛海域浮游甲藻及有毒微藻的年际变化研究。海洋与湖沼,2019,50 (3): 672-683.

指导研究生情况Mentoring graduate students
项目信息Project Information

国家自然科学基金面上项目(21976022):基于MOFs@酶-聚多巴胺量子点自组装的有机磷农药细胞氧化应激的荧光传感方法,2020.1-2023.12, 参与。

专利和获奖信息Patent and Award Information

[1] 赵慧敏(导师),宫长宝. 一种保留较高酶活性的ZIF-8原位固定化酶的方法及其应用,发明专利,公开日期:2023.01.13.

[2] 赵慧敏(导师),宫长宝. 一种金属嘧啶纳米花及固定化酶复合材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,公开日期:2023.08.04.